Clinton Community Garden – Steering Committee Meeting, 1 April 2014
Fountain House, W.47th Street, New York, NY
The Key Sales were USD220.00, including donations.
Attending: Tom, Mark, Bruce, Margaret, Kathy, Andy, Laura, Stan, Linda, Britta.
We were also joined by Jenny Marcovitch, Anne Haas, Millie Tirelli, John Keenan, Pat Berger.
The meeting was called to order.
There was a motion to approve the March minutes, secdonded, passed.
Treasurer’s Report. Andy called for a budget committee, Mark, Bruce & Laura. IT was suggested we break the budget down more, specifically breaking out the contributions from various sources. The Budget committee can meet either in person or via email.
Compost update. The loft was completely rotted and was dismantled. John Keenan has agreed to put together a new design. Mark and Britta’s hasband will also work on a new design. Andy suggested that this would be best for a contractor, possibly $4-5 k, and we should look into getting a grant. We will move forward on the compost issue.
Clean Up Day. We were not able to get everything we wanted together in one lot. There was a motion to increase the soil amendment as proposed by Jenny, seconded, and passed unanimously.
Lawn Amendment. Tom advised this is set for the coming saturday at 10 am. We will put the compost bags in the compost area by the shed. Andy will send an email out to all members asking volunteers to show up, some starting 9:30 am. This will also explain to gardeners that they get a finite amount of compost for thier own plot, an attempt to clear the compost bags out of the compost area.
Key Sales. Stan advised he brought in USD220.00 including USD50.00 in donations. Andy has 35 new keys and Graden Hardware should have 15 more. We discussed the possibility of doing the key sale application online and/or just having all key applicants on on sheet for the day. Stan has a beta form for this.
Keys to Cabinet and Shed. Andy will have additional keys made up.
Bags of Gravel, Buckets of Stone Dust. Andy wants to find ways to use this material rather than throwing it out. Midtown West might want some of this material. We could also make up a sign suggesting to gardeners uses for this material.
Two Garden Event Requests. A Film and a Wedding. Linda will talk to the film people. The weekend is not ok for the film people and the lawn is not ready now. The Film would possible be ok for a weekday. We must also consider the size of thier equipment. For the Film there was a motion to decline the request, it was seconded, and the S/C voted no to the request as presented. Linda will go back to the filmakers and suggest a weekday and a small production.
The S/C has received a letter asking that hours spent on front beds count towards the mandatory volunteer hours. This was discussed and tabled.
Project Renewal has strongly advised that we cannot use thier toilet any longer, due to the way New York State mental health laws have changed.
The Shed will have to be repaired or torn down. Mark suggested we charge the Shed Committee to ask what these members know and can suggest, and charge them with the issue of the shed.
We will have to get more signatories for the TD Bank account, currently only Mark and Bruce are signatories.
The July 4th is on a friday, Andy will do the 4th of July, but will have a smaller production.
The Hydroponics Guy. Andy needs to see a written proposal. Jenny can give his contact information to Margaret.
Andy pointed out that the Clinton Community Garden Steering Committee is supposed to be a place of peace and tranquility. He does not want to see contentious postings on social media as he has seen in the past.
The meeting was adjourned.
There was a short meeting for the sub-committee on the election and bylaws, Andy, Jenny, Laura, Stan, Anne Haas, Britta, Millie Tirelli, Tim, John Keenan, Bruce, Pat Berger attending.
Jenny will get her bees in Brooklyn, the CCG will pay her transport costs.
Andy made Anne the chair of the bylaw committee, which includes the steering committee election procedures. This sub-committee is made up of Anne Haas, Pat Berger, John Keenan and Bruce. Andy would like a report in two months. Andy will search for a probono attorney to look over the bylaws proposal, but wants to get a proposal first.
1. The Budget committee, consisting of Bruce, Jenny, as a non SC Member and myself, had already
met and put together a budget months ago. I do believe everyone has that report. We had listed
contributions separably i.e. key donations, July 4th and or from member’s renewals.
We had asked Mark to list them this way too, so we would have a good account of how
much each event or sale, etc, was bringing in, as this seemed to have cause a brouhaha with
some member’s in the past, but Andy also felt this was a better way of seeing what’s coming in
too. So, a better way of noting this is, acknowledging that a Budget was completed
and the BC will meet Mark to go over any changes like the contributions or the increase in
soil amendments and the new compost area.
2. Andy will not be grilling for the 4th of July, but has a protege in training, so there will be less
variations of meat, etc, but will still be cooking the basics.