“New Front Bed – Tom had requested a process for alotting new fron beds, the process is not in place. It was advised that the process for alotting new front beds is not formalized. There will be no new front beds without Steering Committee approval. Previously front beds were handed down to ack gardeners. Andy would like to add no new front plots. Tom pointed out that there are plots by benches that were added without Steering Committee approval. It was suggested that Tom write up a proposal for rules for allotting front beds. Tom suggested that new rules be referred to the By-law committee. That suggestion was declined by the SC. Tom declined to write a new rule for creating and maintaining front beds. Andy offered to write up a proposal for alotting new front beds. There was a motion that Andy write up a proposal for new front bed allotments, seconded, passed unanimously.”
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes – 6/3/14
Clinton Community Garden Steering Committee Meeting
3 June 2014, 7:30 pm, Fountain House, W.47th St, New York, NY
Tony Belgrave stopped by briefly to drop off receipts for reimbursement.
Attending: Andy, Yaeko, Stan, Britta, Mark, Bruce, Tom & Laura.
The meeting was called to order. There was a motion to accept the May minutes, as amended, seconded, passed without any nays.
We made a total of $997.00 at the 9th Ave. Fair. Compliments due to all, especially to Stan for setting up the online signup. Laura suggested we have another competition for a new t-shirt design. Also, we have few medium sizes and lots of small strapless ones. Andy appointed Laura in charge of the committee for t-shirts, and for selling them at July 4th.
July 4th – Andy will not grill, Annie, Faser and a friend of Andy’s will grill for July 4th. We will also need a general coordinator, preferrably a person with access to a car. We require a check up fron to Esposito’s for $300.00, per Andy Esposito’s charges significantly less. This was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously. Stan will do the website for July 4th signup, 8 for setup, one with car, Annie and Faser will pick up the meat, then we will need a couple of people to sell t-shirts, and one person to get ketchup,
rolls, etc.. We will set up at 11 am, and go until 4 pm. Andy will have a meeting with the July 4th Volunteers.
Raj, a key-holder, living on 47th between 9-10, had a party with many people with drinking. We will need to reestablish watching the garden, with hosts. It was suggested that we give the host a table, which would send the message that someone is watching the garden. We will also have to look at the rules posted on the bulletin board. Andy will speak to the volunteer coordinator.
The sidewalk sweeping crew do not have a schedule. Tom got with Stan and there is an online signup for sidewalk sweeping.
Front and Shed lock updates, We are having the front lock repaired again. We are putting a new lock on the shed. The shed lock will be changed in two weeks. New shed keys were given to all steering committee members present, and a list of shed key holders was passed around. There are several other people who have keys to the shed.
Lawn update – Tom advised there is nothing to report.
Compost Update – John K advised he will send his idea in two weeks. There was a motion that if we do not hear from John in two weeks then we will move forward without him. Andy will email John informing him of this. This was motioned, seconded, and passed unanimously.
There was a back garden tour/inspection for back gardeners who have not done thier homework. Andy will email the gardeners in question and warn them.
Ivy Cutting – The gardener in W75 apparently cut ivy along the West fence. The neighbor at 444 W.48th St. is angry that his ivy was cut. Andy advised the gardener said the neighbor was angry because they had cut ivy down, and they had in fact cut ivy down. Of course one of the cardinal rules of the garden is you do not cut other people’s plants without discussing with them first. Andy and Tom want the name of the gardener at W75. Tom will try to go to the neighbor and try to sort this out.
New Front Bed – Tom had requested a process for alotting new fron beds, the process is not in place. It was advised that the process for alotting new front beds is not formalized. There will be no new front beds without Steering Committee approval. Previously front beds were handed down to ack gardeners. Andy would like to add no new front plots. Tom pointed out that there are plots by benches that were added without Steering Committee approval. It was suggested that Tom write up a proposal for rules for allotting front beds, Tom declined. Andy offered to write up a proposal for alotting new front beds. There was a motion that Andy write up a proposal for new front bed allotments, seconded, passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report – The $997.00 will be transferred from 9th Ave Fair contributions to 9th Ave Fair sales. Bruce will fill in the budget with the proposed budget. Tom advised we need to tell Victoria that they can send their invoice to Green Acre.
Millie has asked if she can borrow a table for the 44th Street fair – this was agreed.
Dash Nelson sent an email regarding the bench work.
Yaeko would like her email removed from the posting outside.
This year is the Garden’s 30th Anniversary, we officially became a part of Green thumb 1984. Andy asked to do something in September in the garden for elected officials, possibly with light hors d’ouvres. Annie and Debbie can start working something out. Andy will ask Annie and Debbie to take charge.
The meeting was adjourned.
requested amendments: