Steering Committee Meeting Minutes – 8/5/14

Clinton Community Garden – Steering Committee Meeting

Aug. 5, 2014 @ 7:30pm, Fountain House, W.47th, New York, NY
Prior to the meeting Bruce had sent out a budget proposal, and motioned that it be accepted, Andy had seconded it via email, Tom, Britta and Laura had voted yea via email.
Andy had advised via email that the Sat. key sale brought in $140.00 with $100.00 in donations.
Andy also proposed a Garden Birthday celebration, with approx. $1,000.00 budgeted, for around Sept. 30 mid-week, we can do a fundraising campaign.
Attending:  Bruce, Laura, Stan, Linda, Britta, Kathy and Mark.
Further to the earlier email corrspondence regarding the budget proposal, Stan, Linda, Kathy and Mark voted in person to approve the proposed budget, passed and approved.
Britta advised that Millie complained that her neighbor Jenny has tall vines next to Millie’s plot, blocking the sun.  Kathy advised Millie has told her she had tried to talk to Jenny about the tall plants in her plot next to Millie’s plot.  Bruce advised Millie had made a similar complaint earlier.  We were reminded that we have to follow up on Andy’s walkaround.  We should also determine what teams have been established for volunteers.  Margaret will be asked about the teams.
Laura brought keyholder agreements from 6/7, 7/12 and 8/2 sales and gave them to Stan.  From the 5 Aug. sale we had $200.00 sales and $57.00 in donations.  It was suggested that we have someone in charge of keys in case we run low on keys, and this person can also handle the key sales signup.  Laura picked up 35 keys from Garden Hardware, and also had 3 keys which did not work.
Mark presented the Treasurer’s Report.  The money from GreenAcre has not made it to Victoria’s.  We budgeted $300.00 for Esposito’s, we spent $462.00, but Andy agreed to donate the difference of $162.00 to the garden and we will add this amount as a contribution.  This year we spent $760.00 on the July 4th celebration and had $150.00 in t-shirt sales from July 4th.  For grants, we need a better understanding of how things work, including a calendar.
Regarding the Compost area, Mark is waiting for John’s sketch from Andy.  This sketch included cabinets, and we could have separate cabinets for shovels, or rakes, etc.  It was proposed that we limit the time frame to try to build the compost area this fall so it can be ready for Spring, possible hire someone this September.  It was suggested we meet in the garden in 2 weeks, including the people handling the composting.  As a threshold for cost if we must pay for it ourselves, an off-the-cuff estimate was suggested at $12,000.00.  It was moved that we meet with composting people in August to discuss and vote on a plan at the September meeting.  In September we select a plan and establish a budget.  We could have contractors’ bids back by October, hire a contractor early October, and hopefully begin work in November.  This was seconded and passed.
Stan advised he attended a Cultivate Hell’s Kitchen NY meeting.  They have adopted some of the tree pits along 9th Avenue.  We can do a blast email to gardeners to see who may be interested in this.
It was moved we adjourn the meeting, seconded, passed.
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