Steering Committee Meeting Minutes – 2/3/15

Clinton Community Garden
Steering Committee Meeting
3 Feb. 2015, 7:30 pm, Fountain House, West 47th Street, New York, NY
Attending:   Andy ’14, Mark ’13, Tom ’14, Bruce ’10, Stan ’13, Laura ’13, Margaret ’13
The meeting was called to order.
The plot renewal and ballot mailings will be done next week at Steve’s office in Long Island City.
Andy wants to email the proposal for changing the bylaws with 60 days for comments.  This can be discussed at the General Meeting also.  Andy handed out the proposed changes, which has about 90% of the proposed changes of the bylaws subcommittee.  He did not use the Membership coordinator on top of the Volunteer coordinator as it seemed redundant.  The proposed bylaw changes can be voted on by the General membership or by the steering committee, but the general membership should definetly review the proposed bylaws.
It is believed there were eight people at the last steering committee meeting.
Katy, Britta, Margaret, Yaeko and Mark have announced they are resigning from the steering committee.  Laura must run for reelection this General meeting.  Andy will send out an email asking for more members.
The annual meeting will be run by Laura and Stan, Bruce will assist.
Items for the Annual Meeting Agenda:
Shed and Compost Reconstruction – Mark will do the presentation
Financial Report
Can point out that we need more steering committee members of the Garden activities may be reduced.
Motioned, Seconded, to give the Kearny award to Deb, passed unanimously.  The award is $100.00 with a certificate.
Meet at 7 pm for the General Meeting, we can elect ballot counters, of one steering committee member and one member not on the steering committee.
Moved, Seconded to get six pizzas with soda, passed unanimously.
We must re-up our membership in Green Thumb, Andy will go to a workship in Brooklyn for this.
It was moved and seconded to give a donation to Fountain House, the same amount as last year, passed unanimously.
The Lawn Day will be March 21, Tom will contact Victoria.  From Victoria Tom will get 60 /bags of compost and 20 /bags of topsoil.  From Gardens Alive Tom will get 40 /lbs. of seed and 200 /lbs. of fertilizer.  Tom will not get gypsum.  We do not have the funding from Green Thumb, Andy will re-apply for the grant.
It was moved and seconded to repeat the same order from Victoria, and passed unanimously.
Tom advised the seed and fertilizer will be about $300.00, no more than $400.00, it was moved and seconded to order it, and passed unanimously.
The bees have died, it was claimed there was a bad queen.  A gardener has claimed the bees are not being kept as well as they could, for example the hive should be collapsed to two trays only in winter so the bees can keep the hive warm.
It was moved to call in a bee expert, seconded, it should cost about $250.00, passed unanimously.
The front display boards were fixed by Nisa glass, it was moved, seconded and passed unanimously to pay them.
Two long time gardeners sent a letter to NYC Trust for Public Lands and also the Trust for Public Parks complaining of the condition of the lawn.
The lawn date is earlier this year to allow for earlier opening of the lawn.  Tom advised that he will resign his position as the team leader and ‘Lawn Guru’ for the lawn this summer, after the lawn opening.  The Steering Committee thanked Tom for his years of service.
Laura, Andy and Kathy will go to Steve’s to do the mailing.
Andy will ask Annie to make the certificate for the Kearny award.
The meeting was adjourned.
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