Clinton Community Garden
General Membership Meeting
Fountain House, West 47th Street, New York, NY
3 March, 2015, 7:30 pm (many Steering Committee members arrived at 7 pm to help set up)
Attending from Current Steering Committee: Margaret ’14, Mark ’13, Andy ’14, Bruce ’10, Kathy ’14, Stan ’13, Laura ’13
Total Attendance approx. 31
The meeting began.
Andy greeted everyone and everyone introduced themselves.
Andy announced that we had re-upped the Green Thumb registration, which is good for three more years. We sent in the application for the grant from Green Acre.
We have two large upcoming projects. We must get the front gate repaired, and we will need a Project Manager. Andy believes we will get a grant from New York Community Trust for the front gate.
We have the Lawn Day scheduled for 21 March.
The second large project is reworking the shed and compost area. Mark gave a presentation on the proposed re-work for the shed and compost area, with two large posters. Mark advised the had a design charrette with all stake holders. We are aiming for October of November 2015 to begin construction. Rough estimate of the cost is $30-40 K. Mark took questions and suggestions. Mark advised he is willing to continue to spearhead the project.
Mark presented the Financial Report. We brought in a surplus of approx. $1,000.00.
Andy asked for a fundraising committee. Annie Chadwick advised that some of the politicians present for the garden birthday offered some funding. Annie offered to be on the fundraising committee, Bruce offered to be on the committee.
It was moved that Annie Chadwick be voted onto the Steering Committee, this was seconded, passed, Annie Chadwick is now voted onto the Steering Committee.
It was moved that Vivian be voted onto the Steering Committee, this was seconded, passed, Vivian is now voted onto the Steering Committee.
It was moved that Faser be voted onto the Steering Committee, this was seconded, passed, Faser is now voted onto the Steering Committee.
There was an objection raised against having steering committee candidates who are not currently plotholders. Andy stressed the need to bring more people into becoming involved with the garden.
There was a suggestion for the Treasurer, we could have a co-Treasurer of have someone as an accountant but not as Treasurer, and not have the person as a signer on the bank account.
The proposed By-Law changes were presented, we are accepting comments for the next 30 days.
It was moved that Charles Gerber be voted onto the Steering Committee, this was seconded, passed, Charles Gerber is now voted onto the Steering Committee.
It was moved that Jasmin be voted onto the Steering Committee, this was seconded, passed, Jasmin is now voted onto the Steering Committee.
It was suggested that there be more enforcement for garden plots so plotholders who neglect thier plots receive warnings and can eventually lose thier plots.
Charles and Jasmin volunteered for the plot committee.
It was moved that Deborah Mullins be voted onto the Steering Committee, this was seconded, passed, Deborah Mullins is now voted onto the Steering Committee.
Steve advised about the end of March we will know how many plots are available and will go out to the next people on the plot waiting list.
The John Carney Award was presented by Annie. Annie spoke warmly of John Carney. the John Carney Award for 2015 was presented to Debbie
Mullins for her work on the Garden’s Birthday celebration.
Millie advised she will have to relinquish the rose garden in the front.
Jenny advised that Project Renewal still has some items for beekeeping. We had done honey processing at Project Renewal in the past. At the next Steering Committee meeting we will get a steering committee member to help Jenny get out beekeeping equipment. Faser advised that we had a file cabinet at Project Renewal with archives, Andy appointed Faser to check with Project Renewal about this file cabinet.
Andy advised that the Steering Committee will have some bee people come in and look over the bee hive and give us advice. Jenny
protested that she was not consulted about this earlier.
The meeting was adjourned.