Steering Committee Meeting Minutes – 5/5/15

Clinton Community Garden, Steering Committee Meeting
5 May 2015, 7:30 pm, Fountain House, West 47th St, New York City
Attending:  Andy ’14, Annie ’15, Faser ’15, Deb ’15, Jasmine ’15, Vivian ’15, Bruce ’10, Tom ’14
The meeting was called to order
It was moved to accept the last minutes, seconded, passed.
This coming Sunday people have asked about May Day, it was moved to accept the May Day celebration for Sunday, Vivian can be there.
For the 9th Ave. Festival, Stan has put up a signup sheet.  Vivian is the person who organizes people.  Andy gave the booth designation display to Vivian.  Andy will send out an email to everyone inviting / asking for volunteers for the 9th Ave. Festival.  The set up is at 10 am.  Andy will get the cash box for change and starter money and we can use some of the key money as change and starter money for the festival.
It was pointed out that we need a Volunteer Coordinator, to coordinate with Andy and Stan’s online lists.  Jasmine volunteered as Volunteer Coordinator.  Jasmine Sheth was nominated as Volunteer Coordinator, seconded, passed unanimously.
The proposed bylaws were sent, and comments were received.  Voting is either in person or with ballots, not by proxy.  Non back gardener volunteers can be nominated by a member and then voted on by the Steering Committee to be a member.
Article III, Sec. 1 proposal, moved to table to nex month, we can email back and forth about the bylaws.
The bees have been taken over by Andrew Cote, professional NYC beekeeper.  It is about $300 for the bees, the total should be under $1,000.00.  The aim is to train people to take over the beekeeping.
There was a complaint about the Buddha.  Someone said that if we have the buddha then we must represent all religions.  the Buddha has been there for over ten years, and is a meditation piece.  We will not reply to this letter at the present time.
Other Projects.  Maintenance will take on the iron fence.  We have about 4 people who can bid on this work.  The hoses are in better shape.  For the trees Annie hires Bartlett for approx. $1,200.00.  Andy has asked Green Acre for money for the trees.
We are concerned about the new cabinet and compost proposal, Andy believes it would cost closer to $50k to do the project we wanted.  It was suggested we just clean out the existing shed and have a shed cleaning and garage sale day.
The plant sale was rewarding, it made approx. $500.00 gross, the volunteers worked for two days in the sun.
The 4th July, andy and Steve are doing it, it is on a Saturday.
The plot committee is joe and Faser and Jasmine.  Faser and Jasmine will get together, and email Joe.
Treasurer’s Report.
Annie advised that 8-9 years ago we had the Parks Department come and weld the front fence.  Andy advised the NY community Trust gave us $3k for the fence.  Andy will ask the Parks Dept. of they can work on the fence.
One of the grants has a few hundred dollars for plumbing.
Deb presented the projected budget, it was moved to accept, seconded, passed.
The meeting was adjourned.
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