Steering Committee Meeting Minutes – 6/2/15

Clinton Community Garden – Steering Committee Meeting
2 June 2015 @ 7:30 pm, Fountain House, West 47th St, New York, NY
Attending: Andy ’14, Debbie ’15, Faser ’15, Annie ’15, Charles ’15, Tom ’14, Jasmine ’15, Vivian ’15, Bruce ’10
The meeting was called to order.
It was moved, seconded and voted to accept the May 2015 minutes.
Debbie presented the Treasurer’s Report. The plant sale netted $580.00, and the 9th Ave. Festival netted $681.00. So far this year revenues exceed expenses.
Regarding the complaint about the Buddha in the front garden, the committee discussed the complaint.
We received a $2,800 grant from Green Acre, $2k for general purposes, $300 for grass seed and fertilizer, and $500 for hoses and plumbing.
We received $6,155 from New York Community Trust, including $4k for repairing the front fence, and $2,155 for the shed and compost. If we keep the current shed we will have to work on the roof, clean up the shed and paint it.
The lawn was discussed. Tom had announced he resigned his position working on the lawn, and Tony Belgrave had volunteered to take over the lawn. One member claimed that front bed gardeners have always watered the lawn in front of thier front beds, while others claimed this was not so. One member advised that apparently two men had come in and begun watering the lawn, claiming they had been told to water the lawn whenever they came in. Several members proposed sending a letter to front gardeners to advise them to communicate with Tony about the lawn. Andy will send out an email to front gardeners advising them to chekc with Tony about anything to do with the lawn.
Annie and Faser will run the Volunteer Day this coming saturday, it will be ok to get food and refreshments for volunteers.
The bylaws were discussed. We have a current membership list as of two weeks prior at 106 members. It was proposed to table the bylaws.
The plot committee did two walkthroughs with two group of people. And email was sent to people whose plots had issues, 7 plots had issues.
Regarding the trees, Andy has contacts at the Parks Dept. and Annie has a contact at the Arborist. The pcost the last time we had tree work was $1,200.00. It was suggested if we do not replace the shed we can email the grant funder and request that we use the funds for trees. It was advised if we also work on Fountain House’s trees it will be about $2k, we would have to amend the budget for that.
Old Business
Bee Hive – the Bee hive guy is doing inventory on the bee hive boxes this week. Project Renewal has had a crisis in thier organization and will need a few weeks to reply to our inquiry about our equipment in their facility.
Andy will send the membership list to Annie and Jasmine.
Andy, Bruce, Jasmine and Debbie will meet at 12:30 p, saturday to add Debbie and Jasmine as signators on the TB Bank account.
There have been complaints about the front padlock, the padlock has still been on later saturday mornings. Andy will send an email to the gate crew.
We no longer have kitchen composting, we will have to send am email out to all.
New Business
There are virtually no number signs left in the plots. This should cost several hundred dollars.
Andy offered tax exempt certification for people purchasing things for the garden.
Stan still handles the website and facebook page.
The meeting was adjourned.

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