Steering Committee Meeting Minutes –9/1/15

Clinton Community Garden Steering Committee Meeting
1 Sept. 2015, 7:30 pm, Fountain House, West 47th Street, NYC, NY
Attending: Tom, Andy, Vivian, Debbie, Bruce
The meeting was called to order.
The minutes from the last meeting, as amended, were approved.
It was noted that the front gate can be wide open in midday. Also someone threw a rock at a front gardener. Another front gardener had someone yell at her inside the garden to let them in, in an intimidating way. A strange man was also causing people ot leave. There was a stabbing at 45th and 8th Ave. It was suggested we discourage keeping the front gate open on weekdays. We tend to keep hosted hours on weekends. Gardeners who leave the gate open should be responsible for whomever comes in, and should err on the side of caution. Some people feel unsafe being alone in the garden with the gate open, so it should be ok for them to close the front gate.
We can give the NYPD and FDNY copies of the gate keys. Tom will ask the precinct if we can post the desk sargeant phone number on the inside of the garden. We will ask the NYPD how many front gate keys they need.
We will need to weed the walkways. Also we have heard the beehive must be registered, we will look into registering the beehive.
Green Thumb will look into sending someone over to look at the front gate for maintenance.
We have had the shed roof measured in preparation for replacing it. We needto get the cost of materials. Replacing the roof should take an afternoon.Then we may have a barn painting party.
We will need to schedule the compost if we will have an October delivery.
Tom will check into salt, etc. Bob at Garden Hardware advisd he is able to get the safer eco-friendly product if we order it earlier. Tom will check with Bob at Garden Hardware about the edo-friendly product for snow melting.
There is a mystery container of presumably bug spray that will need to be brought to the Dept. of Sanitation.
We will need more t-shirts for sale.
There is a request for a private event in the garden. 30 minutes, a small acoustic band. Motioned, seconded, passed unanimously.
Bruce is leaving the Steering Committee after this meeting. It was moved to formally thank Bruce for his service, and accept Vivian as the new record keeper. So Moved, seconded, and passed.
The meeting was adjourned.

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