Dec. 1, 2015

Clinton Community Garden Steering Committee minutes December 1, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 7:35. In attendance were Tom Cayler, Charles Gerber, Debbie Mullins, Laura McGill and Andy Padian, and were a quorum.
A discussion of SC motions and implementation schedule was opened by Tom. As a recent SC decision was not given a timetable, the implementer of the timetable moved too quickly for some. Discussion in future to add a timetable to motions if they appear to be too much work for some individuals.
Motion to allow hellebones in middle bench to the north of the garden was tabled to next meeting.
Lloyd Bishop requested 3 bags of Peat Moss for the 45th Street Block Association tree beds. Charles Moved, Tom seconded, passed unanimously
The rehab of the shed should be completed within a week
The cost of trimming the trees can be paid for through one of the Grants that we have procured
All of our grants will be spent by year’s end, according to the provisions in the grants
We will sell the end of the garden honey this Saturday from 9-11. Gardeners from 9-10, keyholders from 10-11:30. We will save some to give to our elected representatives and grantors.
Debbie made a motion to increase our annual donation to Fountain House to $200 and stop donating to the American Community Garden Association. Seconded by Tom, passed unanimously.
With no further business, Tom made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Charles seconded. Unanimous. Meeting was adjourned at 8:08
Respectfully submitted, Andy Padian for Vivian Hoffman

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