Nov. 3, 2015

3 November, 2015, 7:30 pm, Fountain House, West 47th Street, NYC, NY
In Attendance
Tom Cayler, Annie Chadwick, Deborra Mullins, Jasmine Seth, Vivian Hoffman
Call to Order
Motion to approve Minutes from last month.
Financial Statement
Updated financial statement was submitted and discussed.
Motion to approve financial statement.
Jasmine reported that volunteers have asked for updated sign-up sheets on line. Jasmine offered to keep the volunteer list updated on the website to facilitate sign up and tracking of volunteer hours but would need access to that part of the website. Discussion re addition of second person with website access. Jasmine will follow up with Stan to see if partial access is a possibility.
Vivian suggested that the number of required volunteer hours exceeds reasonable opportunities and should be reduced or removed as a requirement. Discussion of past problems when no volunteer hours were required.
This year the committee organization and tracking of hours was delayed when the volunteer coordinator did not have access to the committee preferences until July. It was suggested that committee preferences and formation could be streamlined by allowing back gardeners to sign up online rather than (or in addition to?) the plot renewal form. Jasmine will discuss with Stan the feasibility of establishing an on-line committee sign up option.
2016 T-Shirt Design
Discussion re need for a new t-shirt design. The vendor we use still has all past design templates and could possibly make up some of the more popular past designs. Timing to hold a 2016 design contest is not pressing and can wait until after the first of the year. The SC will discuss this in more detail at a future meeting.
Tree Pruning
Annie suggested that NY Community Trust funds could be applied to this expense. Suggestion that the magnolia tree be added to the list. Annie will contact Bartlett.
Motion to approve up to $2,000 for tree pruning.
Unauthorized Plots
The unauthorized plots were identified as: 1. Around the apple tree; 2.-4. Under the 3 benches; 5. Near the native bed; and 6. Jane’s bed.
Discussion on how to “reset” the front garden to remove all beds not authorized by the SC and the necessity of uniform enforcement. Going forward new beds will need to be proposed and approved. Annie will contact the affected gardeners.
Motion to require removal of all unauthorized beds in the front garden.
Posting of Steering Committee Information
Discussion regarding posting of Steering Committee members’ personal phone numbers/email on the street side of the garden fence. Debbie will handle updating contact information as per preference by SC members.
Email Auto-Reply
An auto-reply needs to be added to CCG email to inform senders of a possible/likely delay in response. Jasmine will contact Stan.
Plot Committee
Discussion regarding unassigned plots and continued SC lack of access to materials needed to assign vacant plots. It was suggested that Steve Warren be invited to attend the January meeting to update the SC on current procedures for assigning plots. Vivian will contact Steve.
Motion to adjourn the meeting.

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