Feb. 2, 2016


2 February, 2016, 7:30 pm, Fountain House, West 47th Street, NYC, NY

In Attendance

Andy Padian, Faser Hardin, Laura McGill, Annie Chadwick, Tom Cayler, Vivian Hoffman, Deborra Mullins

Call to Order

Motion Passed to approve Minutes from last month.


Bee Keeping                                                                                                                                            

Andrew Cote, the bee expert who tended our hive in 2015, attended the meeting on invitation from the Steering Committee. He reported on the status of the hive and answered questions posed by steering committee members. Among topics discussed were health of the current hive, increasing honey output, feasibility of additional hives, proximity to garden guests, bee flight patterns, building new frames to standard scale and timing/schedule of any new installations.

Mr. Cote offered to continue to provide a steep discount, which for two hives would be $2,000 ($1500 for one hive, $500 for a second hive).

A sub-committee of the Steering Committee will meet with Mr. Cole at the garden on February 23 for on-site review and approval of changes discussed at the meeting.

Motion passed for a Steering Committee Subcommittee to convene at the garden and determine location, second hive viability and frame replacement/upgrades with a budget of up to $3,000 (including the $2,000 mentioned above).

Upcoming General Membership Meeting

Discussion on preparations for next month’s General Membership meeting. Steering Committee volunteers will meet on February 6 to stuff envelopes with renewal forms and other information provided to the garden membership in advance of the meeting.

Proposed Front Bed Gardener Rules & Agreement Form

Annie proposed a new form for front bed gardeners that would provide basic rules/guidelines (such as plot maintenance) and require agreement by signature of each gardener. She provided a sample form, which was discussed and additions/changes suggested. Annie agreed to provide the final form to the front bed gardeners by email.

Motion passed to accept new Front Bed Gardener Rules and Agreement form.


  • Shed: is still not Discussion on reassigning responsibility for completion if work continues to drag on.
  • Trees: have now been trimmed and it was a job well

Motion Passed to adjourn the meeting.

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