January 3, 2017

Clinton Community Garden Steering Committee Meeting

January 3, 2017

Fountain House

Meeting called to order at 7:45

In attendance:












The over arching theme of the meeting was lack of volunteers. How do we

get more volunteers for the SC and committees?

1- Steering Committee Elections

Based on mutual recollections:

Charles, Annie, Faser, Vivian, Debbie were elected 2015, and therefore are

up for re-election to a second two year term this year, 2017.

No commitments have been made to be re-elected this year.

Andy, Sandra, John, Laura, and Tom were elected last year. They have a

year to go, 2018.

Andy, John, and Tom are also at the end of their second term and must go

off the SC in 2018. Andy pointed out that with unanimous consent, SC

members can serve a third term.

The requirements to be an SC member were reviewed. Based on the bylaws

revised in 2015(?), any key holder who performed 10 hours of volunteer

work or who was a committee head is a “garden member.” And any garden

member can be elected to the SC.

Based on this, Andy agreed to send an email to all key holders asking for

people who qualify and would be interested.

Another email will go out to back bed gardeners asking them to report their

volunteer hours. If they have not done their hours as required, the question

is: Do they really wish to continue as a back bed gardener?

If not, there is a seven year waiting list.

If back bed gardeners are not performing required duties, they need to step


Debbie pointed out that we need a Volunteer Coordinator to keep track of

volunteer hours not just for the back bed gardeners, but for the key holders

who wish to be members.

Faser, Andy, and Steve will send out the re-up letters. They could use a

volunteer or two!

2- We got 90 lb of honey this year. 180 ½ lb bottles. We have 20 jars left.

We made $2500. We spent $2600 this year.

Andy does not want to be Mr. Honey again. Under the present system, the

bee-guy supplies the bees, collects the honey, jars it, then it has to be picked

up at Union Sq.(?). Andy kept it in his apartment then schlepped it to the

garden for sale. It’s a pain.

Andy suggested a committee of five to handle the in-garden bee business.

We need volunteers!

At the November meeting Annie said she wanted to research our deal with

the present bee-guy. Maybe there is a better deal.

Charles may be willing to be bee-boss.

But it was agreed that we should hear Annie’s suggestions before we make a

further decision (like bringing the bee-question to the membership in March,

“Do we really want to be keeping bees?) before we make a decision.

3- We need a new lawn mower. Andy wants to buy a new one for around

$300. Debbie said that could go under Garden Supplies in the budget as the

tool budget is burned.

Andy wants to sod the lawn with the money from NY Community Trust.

Debbie thinks it a bad idea to remove the present lawn for sod as sod does

not always work. Debbie pointed out that last year, at the height of the heat,

the lawn was not watered.

It was decided to get a price to sod the north lawn near Kazuo’s(?) bed and

the yew tree. Maybe do a little sod to see how it works?

4- The Green Acre fund grant has to be in in February. Items were

discussed for that money: garden bed signs was a suggestion. It was

decided to look at the signs we have and see what more would be needed.

Prune trees, compost, front bed rehab, rose bed rehab were also discussed.

5- A compost committee was organized last July, but, based on information

and belief, it has not met. Andy suggested asking the Sanitation Department

(NYSD) for a compost area design. Apparently “treated wood” is now

alright to use as it is not treated with cyanide anymore.

The kitchen scrap compost seems to be doing well.

Meeting adjourned at 8:29.

Minutes by T. Cayler

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