February 7, 2017

7 February 2017, 7:30 pm, Fountain House, West 47th Street, NYC, NY
In Attendance
Andy Padian, Annie Chadwick, Charles Gerber, Deborra Mullins, Faser Hardin, John Keenan, Laura McGill, Sandra Shipley, Tom Cayler, Vivian Hoffman
Call to Order
Motion passed to approve minutes from November meeting with 2 corrections.
Motion passed to approve minutes from January meeting with 1 correction.
Annual Meeting 3/7/17
Laura will make arrangements with Fountain House handle pizza arrangements with Charles’ assistance. The meeting will start at 7:30.
Steering Committee Turnover
Five committee members have terms ending on March 1. Faser, Annie and Charles plan to run again. Vivian and Debbie do not. Andy will notify the membership re openings with email re Annual Meeting.
Plot Renewals
Renewal forms were mailed in February, including 8 requests for gardeners to vacate their plots. There are 3 plots confirmed for turnover over this season. Discussion re neglected sublet plots.
Annie reported on her research into possible alternatives for beekeeping assistance. The NYC Beekeepers Association recommended Andrew. Andy will ask Andrew to meet with SC members before Annual Meeting in March.
Need an active group to keep the hives. Possibility for classes in beekeeping for interested gardeners. Annie will set up a group interested in working with bees based on interest expressed on 2017 volunteer forms.
Honey should be ready for sale in October for Fall clean up days rather than December.
Clean-Up Days
Need to schedule clean-up days with more advance notice to improve turnout. April 22 is Earth Day so perhaps schedule Spring clean-up around that time.
John is planning to do a perspective drawing of a redesigned compost area based on discussion from a December meeting of the Compost Committee. There was discussion regarding timing funding for new compost area. Andy spoke to Dept. of Sanitation and was told they have personnel that will help with this.
John reported that the Dept. of Sanitation will pick up garden waste for recycling. What is not composted by the garden will be recycled elsewhere.
Andy suggested purchase of durable compost bins that are ready-made and require little construction. These would be used until such time as other arrangements are made for design/build of compost bins.
This might fall under the Greenacre grant but Andy is sending in grant forms soon and will need to include pricing. Vivian will look into this and provide Andy with options.
Sandra reported that the roses in the front bed are spent and we need new ones. Possible cost would be around $200.
Motion passed (unanimously)to adjourn the meeting.

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