March 7, 2017

Clinton Community Garden Membership Meeting
March 7, 2017, Fountain House Dining Room, 7:30 PM

Between 35 and 40 members attended.
Some were back bed gardeners, some where key holders, some were
After introductions the Chair made the Steering Committee (SC) report:
1- Shed work
2- Food compost
3- Soil Amendments, 5-8 tons done twice with 20 to 30 bodies made
short work of the loads.
4- Fence repair
5- 4th of July had 120 people attending
6- Green Acre and NY Community Trust gave us $9000 in “support”.
Stan is writing the grants which is great!
7- 92lb. of honey.
A few Thank Yous:
1- Debbie Mullins who has been the treasurer for the past 2 years.
2- Vivian Hoffman who has been our secretary, 9th Ave go-to person with
calendars and T-shirts.
3- Sandra and Barbara who have uploaded keyholder data. 885 emails, over
1000 people.
The Steering Committee needs help with:
1- Volunteer Coordinator to coordinate committees, log volunteer time
on computer, record volunteer work, contact gardeners re: their
required volunteer times.
2- We need SC members.
3- Need to change the bylaws to allow keyholders to become SC
4- Committee chairs to run the committees
April 22, 2017, will be the first Clean-up Day. 8AM-2PM
Annie and Fraser said they would coordinate Monthly Events with volunteer
opportunities and food.
Last Fourth of July had 200 people. But this event need an open discussion
as to whether it is something the garden community really wants to do.

Matt Greene from CM Johnson’s office addressed the meeting about
upcoming events by the CM and left fliers for those events.
Debbie Mullins gave a financial report: the garden is in good shape.
Why don’t garden members want to be SC member?
We need a Volunteer Coordinator, Treasurer, Secretary, Key committee
chair to coordinate opening and closing the garden, Host committee.
Chana asked the duties of SC members.
Linda said people work at night.
Charles said he had weekend commitments.
It was proposed to change the SC meeting to Monday nites for the theatrical
Several SC members made pleas for help: Faser, Debbie, Laura, John.
Only members can be SC members, but keyholders can be chairs of
One attendee asked what was discussed at SC meetings? One asked the time
John “harangued” the crowd.
One attendee suggested that new back bed gardeners be required to serve on
the SC.
Michelle Troise, a keyholder agreed to be on the SC.
Bylaws will have to be changed to allow that.
Jenny Markovich agreed.
Jenny Sterlin and Ruth Marinaro.
With Foram, who was not there, Annie, Faser, Charles, Andy, Laura,
Sandra, John, and Tom.
Making thirteen.
A motion was made to accept the ballot as proposed. The motion was
Duane asked about volunteer possibilities on days other than weekends?
Joe asked how a member knew when they were on a committee? He would
mow the lawn but needed a lawn mower.
Andy said a mower was coming.
An attendee asked if the Volunteer Coordinator could do the job “remotely”.
It can be done that way, but has to be a SC member.
Question was raised about Kazuo?
Dru suggested that more people would volunteer if they were invested.
Tony is no longer taking care of the lawn.
Meeting closed at 8:40 or so.
Any corrections or additions to Tom Cayler.

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