In attendance: Laura
John Ruth Jenny M. Jenny S. Charles Michele Andy Annie Foram Tom
Absent: Sandra and Faser
New Officers: Andy, chair Forum, treasure
Jenny S., volunteer coordinator Tom, secretary
- The meeting started off with a long discussion about volunteering in the It was the SC’s general feeling that back bed gardeners and that key holders who would wish to be voting members, are not having their hours recorded, 10 hrs/yr, accurately recorded.
- In order to address this issue:
Jenny S. volunteered to be the Volunteer Coordinator.
Andy will send her a list of committees and the back bed gardeners who signed up for those committees.
That list will then be sent to the rest of the SC.
Each SC member will choose a committee to liaison with.
The SC member will reach out to the back bed gardeners who have signed up for that committee and request a committee chair.
With the SC member liaison, the committee chair will keep a record of the volunteer hours of each back bed gardener and key holder volunteers.
This will also be facilitated with the help of Stan and the website.
The website can, perhaps, be updated to show who the committee chair is, who is on the committee, and record how many hours have been served.
- It was the strong feeling of the SC that back bed gardeners who do not serve their allotted 10 hours/year should risk losing their
And that key holder who do fulfill the 10 hours should be granted voting membership.
At the end of the growing year, letters should be sent to back bed gardeners who do not fulfill their hours. [Just as they are for back bed gardeners who do not garden. (see below)]
And letters to key holders who do, stating they are now voting members. How to proceed with divesting back gardeners of their gardens if they do not fulfill their hours was not addressed.
It would appear that no back bed gardener has ever been divested of their plots for this failure.
- The unique problem the SC faces this year is that three SC members are plot-less (lack-lands) and jobless as defined by the
Annie will write up a simple rule change proposal to address this issue. Jenny M. stated: “That the by-laws are our guide in governing the garden affairs. And that it needs to be respected and that changing it without a really good reason is not a good idea, and that I am uncomfortable with not taking the by-laws seriously, and changing it frivolously.”
- Andy will set up a meeting for former treasure, Debbie Mullins, to meet with Forum in order to get up to speed on the treasure reports, check signing,
- Spring Garden Clean-up will be Earth Day, April 22, a Soil delivery from 9-10.
Volunteers from 9-3.
Annie and Faser will set up volunteer tasks. Two schools have offered to volunteer, as well. Andy will coordinate.
- Annie is meeting with the bee New bees will be coming. Andy is arranging a new lawn committee.
A memorial brick was requested for Howard Maloney.
- Annie reported that the back bed plot committee had
Steve Warren reports that the available plots will be assigned by April 15. 10 letters had been sent to back bed gardeners who had not gardened last year.
As of this writing, 8 had not responded and were, for want of a better word: placed on the “watch list.”
Again, how back bed gardeners who do not garden or do not fulfill their 10 hours, will divested of their gardens remains to be addressed.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:44. Recorded by Tom Cayler