Birding In Clinton Community Garden
An astonishing 60 species of birds have been sighted in Clinton Community Garden. Birds migrating north in the Spring and south in the Fall need to stop now and then for rest and food (mostly insects). The populations of some of these species, especially warblers, have been dangerously declining. The island of Manhattan used to be forested with habitat for all kinds of wildlife. Now that the island is mostly concrete, community gardens and parks provide critical habitat for birds making the long trek to their breeding grounds to the north and to their wintering territory as far away as South America. Birds generally migrate at night and when morning comes, or a storm brings them down, they look for green. Central Park and the various community gardens and parks are what they see as they fly over Manhattan. Therefore, there is a concentration of birds looking for rest and food in these parks during migration seasons.
Following is a list of some of the birds sighted in the Clinton Community Garden. Bring a pair of binoculars to the garden sometimes – you might be surprised at what you find.
Birds Seen In Clinton Community Garden